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Vascular Centre in Belgrade received IUA accreditation

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Vascular centre of the Clinical Centre of Serbia – Clinic for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery has successfully completed the IUA accreditation program.
Basic information about the vascular centre:
Vascular Centre of the Clinical Centre of Serbia – Clinic for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Belgrade, is the largest and probably the oldest Vascular Centre in Serbia. It continues the tradition of the Second Surgical Clinic founded in 1946.The main parts of the Centre are Vascular Laboratory; Outpatients Clinic & Daycare Facility; three Clinical Departments; Intensive Care Unit; Invasive Radiology Suite & Endovascular Unit; Anesthesia Department; three operative theatres and Department for Transfusion Medicine. Total hospital capacity includes 52 beds.There are 17 vascular surgeons, 9 anesthesiologists, 4 invasive radiologists, two specialists in Transfusion Medicine and 4 angiologists permanently employed at the Centre.The Centre is open 24h/365 days per year. It covers the region of Belgrade and surroundings but is also a referral Centre for elective and urgent vascular patients from whole Serbia.

There is a broad spectrum of vascular interventions being performed; annual number is about 2000 vascular reconstructions including more than 500 CEAs; 70 CAS; 300 AAAs, 40 EVARs, 15 TEVARs, 75 RAAAs, 10-15 THAAs, 250 infrainguinal reconstructions, 100 HD vascular accesses; 40 cases of vascular trauma etc.

There is also a significant number of patients treated for DVT, venous ulcers, chronic wounds of vascular etiology or vascular medication management; patients in treatment with hyperbaric oxygenation, patients in the process of (vascular) rehabilitation etc.

The Centre is a teaching hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of the Belgrade University. It is also the site of Continuous Medical Education meetings approved with a number of CME credits. For several years the Centre organized international training course “Eversion carotid endarterectomy under cervical plexus block – Belgrade Carotid Course” in coordination with the European Society for Vascular Surgery. Due to high-volume numbers of open vascular surgical procedures the Centre became recognizable site for international education of young vascular specialists in open surgery. In 2016, the Centre hosted 65th ESCVS Congress under the presidency of VC Director, Professor Lazar Davidović.

Photo (from the left): Dr Karel Roztocil (Co-Chairman of the European Commission for Accreditation of Vascular Centres), Prof Lazar Davidovic (Director of vascular centre in Belgrade), Prof Patrick Carpentier (IUA President)