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IUA Heparin Centennial Symposia Series

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On the occasion of the heparin centennial, the IUA Scientific Committee has been organizing a series of symposia. The first symposium was held during the Czech Angiology Days in Prague and the second during the ISTH congress in Istanbul. A major heparin centennial symposium is planned for the 27th World Congress of the IUA in Lyon.
This year marks the 100 years since the discovery of heparin by Jay McLean, a then medical student under the guidance of Professor Bill Howell at Johns Hopkins University in the Department of Physiology.  Since then heparin and related drugs have been a constant focus of great intrigue and interest for both clinicians and basic scientists globally. Much of the structure and function of this anticoagulant and related drugs remain unexplored. Unfractionated heparin has remained the anticoagulant of choice for surgical and interventional indications. Low molecular weight heparins have added a new dimension in the management of thrombosis and cardiovascular disease. Synthetic pentasaccharide has provided fundamental understanding of the interactions of heparin and amplification of their biological activities.  The entire field of hemostasis and thrombosis has benefited from the knowledge gained through the studies on heparin. This drug and related drugs will continue to impact the management of not only thrombosis but other diseases in years to come.The special symposium organized by the IUA Scientfic Committee during the Czech Angiology Days represents the very first event to celebrate the heparin centennial and to recognize its true potential. The IUA in its 27th World Congress will plan a major Heparin Centennial Symposium in Lyon, France under the presidency of Professor Patrick Carpentier. This symposium will provide an update on the current developement of clinical and basic research on heparins and related drugs.


Jawed Fareed: Heparin Centennial: A Century of Scientific and Clinical Progress
Abstract   Presentation

Jana Hirmerova: The Role of Heparin Related Drugs in the Management of Venous and Arterial Thrombosis
Abstract   Presentation

Yimming Yao: Heparin Diversification: Sheep Heparins as an Alternate for Porcine Heparins
Abstract   Presentation