Associate societies

According to article 5 f) of its constitution, the International Union of Angiology associates national and international scientific societies or organisations dealing with practical or theoretical aspects of vascular disease. Each associate society or organisation nominates a representative (a full member of the IUA) to the IUA Administrative Board.

If you wish the join the International Union of Angiology, start cooperation on various scientific and educational projects, and agree to the benefits and obligations mentioned below, please send an official letter to the President of the IUA (e-mail).

The IUA offers the following benefits to its associate societies (AS):
a) advertising events organized by the AS on the IUA website (“Events” section and homepage)
b) advertising events organized by the AS in the IUA newsletters sent to all IUA members (4 per year)
c) publication of reports of the AS activities on the IUA website (“News” section) and in the IUA newsletter
d) IUA auspices for the events organized by the AS
e) authorized use of the IUA logo at the events organized by the AS
f) participation in the scientific program of the IUA world and chapter congresses (dedicated sessions, workshops, or lectures)
g) reduced registration fees to IUA world and chapter congresses for the members of the AS (when applicable)
h) possibility to nominate young members of the AS to the IUA courses for young vascular specialists in Prague and Beijing (participation is free)
i) collaboration on the IUA consensus documents and guidelines
j) organization of international (multicentric) research projects under the auspices of the IUA
k) individual IUA membership for two members of the board of the AS and one on-line subscription to the International Angiology journal (except for Category C)
l) priority for publication of accepted papers in the International Angiology and Vascular Investigation and Therapy 

The IUA follows activities of the national and international vascular societies and aims to organize an annual meeting of the representatives of all associate societies (“parliament” of the AS).
The IUA also monitors the state of vascular medicine and vascular surgery in respective countries and certifies vascular centers fulfilling the international criteria. In the countries with marginal vascular activities, it stimulates the organization of vascular centers.

The obligations of the associate societies are the following:
a) payment of the annual fee of 200 EUR or lower according to different categories following the criteria reported below*
b) advertising of the IUA events among the members of the AS
c) motivating members of the AS to become members of the IUA.
d) informing the IUA about the activities organized by the AS, aiming to avoid overlapping of major vascular events

*category A – standard fee set by the IUA Executive Board (200 EUR); category B – reduced fee for AS from the developing countries, at least 50% of the standard fee (100 EUR); category C – waived fee for AS from countries in major crises or with difficult socio-economic environment (0 EUR). The payment is due annually by January 31.